Generate fee income for your bank by leveraging our platform

Offering a full range of mortgage solutions for your bank customers


We make secondary easy for you. Novus Bank Direct is a partner – not a competitor. We offer you fast underwriting turn times, exceptional support and competitive pricing on a full range of mortgage programs. Use your local appraisers, title companies and closing agents.

Contact us today to get started!


Why Novus Bank Direct?

Novus Bank Direct is a division of Ixonia Bank – a community bank headquartered in Ixonia, Wisconsin.

Novus Bank Direct was formed under Novus Home Mortgage, a residential mortgage lending division of the bank, serving retail customers in various markets around the country. Novus Bank Direct was created specifically to address the mortgage needs of small community banks by leveraging the back-end platform of Novus Home Mortgage. A partnership with Novus Bank Direct can offer you numerous solutions for your customers.


Ready to learn more?

Our robust range of products can help meet the needs of underserved borrowers in today’s market, in addition to growing your business and generating fee income for your bank. Take the next step to get started with Novus Bank Direct.


“With the support from Novus Bank Direct, we have been able to serve our customers more than ever before.”

— James B.



Feel free to contact us with any questions.

Novus Bank Direct, a division of Ixonia Bank

20935 Swenson Drive #420
Waukesha, WI 53186